Vote No 2024

Maryland voters will vote in November on the Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment. A NO vote is a vote for women and justice.

What the Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment Would Do


Chill healthcare access for women in Maryland

Bar or hinder women’s personal decisions for their pregnancy, including access to abortion pill reversal

Remove flexibility to craft laws that serve residents’ needs and interests, such as safeguards for women’s health


What is the abortion ballot initiative?

The “Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment” is a ballot initiative to enshrine abortion in the Maryland constitution. It will be on the ballot statewide in November 2024.

What will the ballot say?

The language will be finalized in August, but it likely will be the same or substantially the same as the text in the law that passed authorizing the ballot initiative:

“The proposed amendment confirms an individual’s fundamental right to an individual’s own reproductive liberty and provides the State may not, directly or indirectly, deny, burden, or abridge the right unless justified by a compelling State interest achieved by the least restrictive means.”


Would abortion be legal without the amendment?
  • Yes. Unfortunately, nothing regarding abortion would change in Maryland if this amendment does not pass.
  • Maryland is one of the most progressive states when it comes to abortion and abortion access. Currently a woman can access an abortion at any stage of their pregnancy in Maryland – throughout the entire 9 months of pregnancy.
  • Maryland has very few protections in place when it comes to abortion. Minors are not required to obtain parental consent in order to have an abortion in Maryland and the parental notification law has numerous exceptions. For example, parents don’t need to be informed if the person performing the abortion decides the minor has the maturity to make an abortion decision.
Why is this constitutional amendment bad policy?
  • Enshrining abortion in the constitution will divert attention and resources away from broader efforts that will promote women’s wellbeing. We must advocate for and demand policies that address the root causes of abortion. This means comprehensive solutions such as access to healthcare, resources for families, and addressing social and economic inequalities.
  • We need to ensure access to resources and support services for pregnant women and mothers, including healthcare, childcare, education and economic assistance.
  • We need to foster compassion and understanding towards women who face difficult decisions regarding pregnancy and parenthood. It is essential that we create a culture of empathy and solidarity where women feel supported and respected.
How would this harm legislative flexibility and legal protection?
  • Enshrining abortion in the constitution will limit the ability of lawmakers to respond to changing circumstances or new evidence related to abortion policy and the protection of women. Without constitutional constraints, legislators can remain flexible in crafting laws that best serve the needs and interests of the state’s residents.
  • Enshrining abortion in the constitution may have unintended legal consequences, such as undermining existing protections for religious freedom, conscience rights, and the rights of healthcare providers to practice according to their beliefs.
How is a constitutional amendment different than a law?

Constitutional Amendment

  • Permanent change. A constitutional amendment is a change or addition made to the state’s constitution. It is a permanent alteration to the fundamental framework of our State’s legal system.
  • Higher legal  status. Constitutional amendments hold a higher status compared to statutes. They are considered the supreme law of the State and can only be altered or repealed through another constitutional amendment process.
  • Broad scope. Constitutional amendments often address broad and fundamental principles or rights.
  • More difficult to pass. Constitutional amendments typically require a more rigorous process for approval, often involving multiple steps such as approval by the legislature and ratification by voters through a referendum.


  • Enacted by a legislature. A statute is a law enacted by the state legislature. This formal written law passed by the legislative body can be changed through subsequent legislative action.
  • Specific scope. Statutes address specific issues, policies or regulations within the state’s legal framework.
  • Flexible and adaptive. Unlike a constitutional admendment, statutes can be amended, repealed or replaced by the legislature as circumstances or public opinion changes.
  • Easier to pass. Statutes typically only need approval by the legislature and the governor’s approval to become law. This is a much simpler legislative process than that of a  constitutional amendment.

Download the letter from our Maryland bishops (English/Spanish PDF), or read it here.

Bulletin-Flocknote announcements

ENGLISH - Bulletin-Flocknote announcements

What is the Maryland abortion ballot initiative?

The Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment is a ballot initiative that would enshrine abortion in the Maryland constitution. It would not change abortion availability, but would remove the few safeguards in place, chill healthcare access for women and hinder a woman’s personal decisions for pregnancy, including abortion pill reversal. Also, a constitutional amendment is a permanent change and would take away our legislators’ flexibility to craft laws that best serve women’s needs and interest, including future safeguards for their health. Learn more at

Does the abortion ballot initiative take away parental rights?

The Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment would take away the few safeguards in place. Abortions can be performed throughout pregnancy for virtually any reason, there are not parental consent requirements for minors seeking an abortion and an abortion provider can waive parental notification for a number of reasons, including perceived maturity of the minor. Learn more at

Protect women’s health. Register to vote.

Maryland voters will decide this fall whether to enshrine abortion in the state constitution. This will remove the few safeguards in place, take away legislator flexibility in putting safeguards in place in the future, chill healthcare access for women and hinder women’s personal decisions for pregnancy, such as abortion pill reversal. Register to vote, then vote NO on the Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment. Learn more at

ENGLISH - Bulletin Insert

This two-page insert has the letter from the Maryland bishops on one side and an FAQ about the proposed “Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment” on the other.

Download bulletin insert

General intercessions

ENGLISH - General intercessions

For all who are facing difficult medical decisions or a challenging diagnosis: may they receive the Lord’s guidance and peace as they listen for his voice. We pray to the Lord…

For all the baptized that we may give witness to the saving power of God before the nations, and may we lead others by calling for public policies that support justice and dignity for those who are powerless, ill or suffering, unborn, elderly, or vulnerable. We pray to the Lord…

For all of us who have been entrusted with the Gospel of Life: may we wholeheartedly embrace the Spirit of power and love that calls us to proclaim the Gospel in words and deeds, even when it requires us to share in the hardship of Christ. We pray to the Lord…

For those who seek to make a difference in the world as faithful servants of the Lord: may we join together as one to be the voice of the voiceless, defenders of human rights, and champions of the weak and vulnerable from the womb to natural death. We pray to the Lord…

Help us to choose leaders who will govern with integrity, compassion, and a commitment to the dignity of every human person. Grant us the wisdom to discern the truth amid the noise and the courage to vote according to our conscience.  We pray to the Lord…

For the women and children of our communities who are vulnerable and in need of protection. May they be surrounded by God’s love and grace, and may they find refuge in the hearts of those who care for them.  We pray to the Lord…

For healing and restoration of women and children who have experienced trauma, abuse, or injustice. May Christ’s grace bring comfort to their hearts and wholeness to their lives. Help us to create communities of support and solidarity where they can find healing, hope, and renewal.  We pray to the Lord…

For all here who are eligible to vote in this year’s election: that we may vote in accordance with a well-formed conscience, and have the courage to help others do the same. We pray to the Lord…

For those whose hearts ache for a child of their own: may they experience the Lord’s consoling presence and find ways to nurture and support children in need. We pray to the Lord…

For women and men who are experiencing concern about a pregnancy: may they have the strength to seek help, may they trust in God’s love and may they find the life-affirming support they need from family, friends  and other life-affirming support in their community. We pray to the Lord…

For those suffering the loss of a child or who have been touched by abortion: may they find in the Church a place of comfort, healing, peace, and hope. We pray to the Lord…

For Catholics throughout Maryland, that the values of our faith may guide us as we exercise our responsibility as voters, we pray to the Lord…

For the members of this community, that we may find ways to help build a world of greater respect for human life and human dignity, we pray to the Lord…

ESPAÑOL - coming soon


Prayer for Maryland

Ever-living God, you give life and desire a future for all your children.

Awaken in every heart awe for the gift of life.

Send your Spirit to strengthen us with wisdom and fortitude as we seek to protect women and children in Maryland from laws that could put their health and safety at risk.

Mary and Joseph trusted in you and welcomed Jesus into our broken world.

We ask their intercession to protect those not yet born and their mothers, and to guide all parents in raising their children.

May they help us build a civilization of love by upholding the sacredness of life; allowing basic protections to be put in place for women and children; and accompanying pregnant women and teens in need.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Oración por Maryland

Dios siempre vivo, que das la vida y deseas un futuro para todos tus hijos.

Toma en tus manos a nuestra nación, estado y comunidad, y despierta en cada corazón una gran admiración por el don de la vida.

Envía tu Espíritu para fortalecernos con sabiduría y fortaleza mientras defendemos a las madres y a los niños de Maryland de las leyes que desprecian su salud y su seguridad.

María y José confiaron en ti y acogierona Jesús en nuestro mundo roto.

Padre, pedimos por su intercesión para proteger a los no nacidos y a sus madres, y para guiar a todos los padres en la crianza desus hijos.

Pedimos que nos ayuden a construir una civilización de amor al defender la santidad de la vida, preservando los derechos de los padres y acompañando a las mujeres embarazadas que lo necesiten. Te lo pedimos por Cristo, nuestro Señor. Amén.

¡Nuestra Señora, Madre de la Familia, ruega por nosotros!

¡San José, protector de los no nacidos, ruega por nosotros!

Novena coming soon!

Social Media Posts

Pope Francis quote on participation in political life
Pope Francis quote on human dignity & common good
Pope Francis quote on participation in political life

Register to Vote

Make sure you register to vote so you can protect women’s health and vote NO on the abortion referedum.


Key Dates for Maryland Voters:

  • Register to vote In advance: by Oct. 15 (also can check that your address is correct), or register at an early voting location during that time or on Election Day
  • Request a mail-in ballot, if you prefer to vote that way. For registered voters, do this by Oct. 29 or, for an electronic ballot, by Nov. 1
  • Vote during early voting, Oct. 24 to 31 OR on Election Day, Nov. 5 (find your polling place)