During the summer months, the Maryland Catholic Conference tracks proposed changes to Maryland regulations — these often occur after new laws are passed by the General Assembly — and submits official comments regarding concerns with the proposals.

One area we are watching closely is regulations around the provision of abortion services. The Maryland Department of Health has proposed changes to COMAR 10.09.08 (Code of Maryland Regulations), that sets out regulations for freestanding clinics in Maryland. The new regulations follow laws that unfortunately passed the General Assembly and expand access, including allowing non-physicians to perform abortions.

The Conference proposed additional language in two areas

Under “conditions for participation” of telehealth providers, the Conference proposed adding “except for instances of the prescription of medication to terminate a pregnancy.”

In the section on covered services, the Conference has proposed an addition that would protect minors: “a qualified provider may not perform an abortion on an unmarried minor unless the qualified provider first gives notice to a parent or guardian of the minor, except as otherwise provided for in section §20-103(C)(DJ of the general health article.”

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